Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Lei è

Everything that i could ever imagine
More than priceless,
Beyond breath taking,
golden in every way,
Her own person,
Seated on the highest pedestal,
The one who has my heart completely, 
The one who has mad me the happiest person out there,
The one who cant live without the people she loves,
My pride,joy,happiness;
smile,laughter, and my heart.
The one who doesn't take bullshit from anyone,
The smile on the faces of everyone that loves her,
The one who puts others before herself,
The girlfriend who has never left,
The one we all love to hang out with,
The guardian angel that is following us,
The Angel that has never left us.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Mia bella vita di essere parte della famiglia LGBT

Sine i was 17 i started having strong feeling towards one of my best friend who i knew felt it to. I later down the line she ended up with  engaged and me being single till 2013 came and yes I did date a girl in the beginning for less than 2 month. I was struggling with all religions stuff , pleasing my parents, and my happiness. After all the pain and suffering i received from all the men i dated one special woman came into my life and i was able break away from all my no good friends and started hanging with her. We were friends at first and it progressed and became something so priceless, unique, and untouchable. We became close and it got to a point that we were always with each other and texting each other like crazy. She has made my life way better than it has been in years. I can  remember the exact day like it was yesterday= we went out to dinner down in  Solomons Islands with rob ,we eat and the walked down the board walk and she just stayed at the beginning of the board walk while i walked down to the end of the boardwalk where me and rob talked for a little while until something happened. I ran to the building with the bathrooms and stayed in there and then when i left the restroom i ran straight to her and didn't want to let her go why? because her arms are truthfully the only ones i am completely safe in. Her arms are the is the only place i wanted to be in after the incident that happened at the end of the boardwalk she was the who held me and never let me go. After he dropped us off at my house we sat on the couch and watched YouTube until she was ready to home and me and my mom took her home and i walked with her into the house and we just hugged each other. That night i didn't fall asleep until 4am and i was woken up with her blowing my cell out and when i answered the phone and  heard her upset and wanting to see me I knew something wasn't right. When i was able to see her again i was able to look into her eyes and see exactly what was going on and that is what was painful to see but i was able to keep her calm and i just held her and she just relaxed. What her and i share is unique and priceless it is what shows every time you her and me together. we became really close after that and that is when our journey together began. Our journey has been filled up with us spending the most of our time with each other, her tackling the fucking hell out of me, arguments, laughs, fighting. We have fought and  conquered every battle that people started. I have totally been so happy with her and visa versa .

Saturday, October 18, 2014


We became a us in the middle of the year,
We became a us out of no were,
We became a us when we walked into it;
We were a us when you went away,
We were a us until that horrible place came along,
We were a us before the depression, anger, and destruction hit;
Will there ever be a us again when you  return from that horrible place,
Will there ever be a us at all even after your major come back,
Will there ever be a us ? well that is up to you completely DEMB.

Bellezza Mista #1

                                                        Bellezza Mista 

I am 21 and adopted at first into a home that at the time only 5 five children and that with me and my 2 sibling then 3 weeks later that number then changed into 6.Well before i was adopted i was living in a foster home PG County in with my 2 other sibling because of the abusive and drug situation that involved my birth parents. Before we were taken we endured the abuse of both parents but one more than the other we had to deal with that abuse until the fate fully night in 1996 when my little brother was smashed head first to cement floor by our birth mother who has a mental illness. That night changed are live forever we were taken away and put in saint Anne's for 6 months and then we were put in the foster care system and were in there for 2 1/2  years . while we were in foster care we had the privilege  to go to the same school as our older sister we also had visitation with our birth parents and that continued even after we were adopted 2 1/2 years. After we were adopted my siblings and I had to adjust to the the new surroundings, we had to undergo a lot of work which included the one thing i still have a problem with which is CONTROLLING OUR ANGER which i don't think will ever change not for as long as I live people really don't and will never understand that almost everything triggers me especially now and yes people still try to fix me but i am sorry to say that I am not fixable at this point in time. To this day i continue to but heads with almost all my older and 2 younger brothers under why? well its just something that i have not grown out of its also the reason that i really have stayed to myself and confine my self in in my room at least 10-17 hours out of each day unless I go out. My parents and my siblings agree that I am different than everyone else which is completely true from the way I talk to my sexuality which caused a lot of arguments between me and my parents, Do people understand it at all? well I can you that answer and that is a big NO WAY IN HELL it is never ever going to change which is hard to live with but I can't control what they say at all we just have agree to disagree. With in the last 2 year I was diagnosed the same mental disorder that my birth mother has no one realized it until all hell broke loose and I became a ticking time bomb I can't even remember what went down but I at that point was a danger to my self and the people around me and if anyone asked my parents how bad it was they wouldn't even be able to tell anyone in just 24 hours my parents will start from the very beginning to now . Since being diagnosed with this disorder I have had a hard time excepting what I have. A lot of people believe that person with a mental disorder can be cured with medicine well that not they case because all mental illnesses chronic and not curable at all a person with a mental disorder will have it till they die and yes the medicine that is out there does help control to a point but will not in any way control it.      

Abundant blessing


 The siblings in you life that annoy the hell out of and the siblings in your life that you obviously cant wait to get away from, As much as you want to make them disappear from your life they are the ones that have you back threw it all. The friends that have never left your side even when thing were getting hard, the friends who have been to take all the punches, knifes, daggers and hate full word thrown at them. The parents that have raised you since the beginning and have have dealt with everything you have thrown at them from when you were young to now. The parents that picked you up from rock bottom, the ones that have saved you from everything and anything, the ones who saved you from being lost in the foster care system, the ones who have been threw hell and to give you everything, the ones who that are giving you the best education you can ever get. The faith and the love of God, the one who knew you before he ever created you, the one who is in you life forever when you walk away from and and turn your back on him.